


英文文法挑錯?? 20點


94年二技專業課目一閱讀裡面有幾題.... 文法改錯 請英文高手解析文法 20~25 題 請告訴我為什麼錯呢? 答案分別是 20.(B) 21.(B) 22(C) 23.(A) 24.(A) 25.(B) 題目在這裡 26語一類(專業一試題) 很麻煩 所以送20點 請解釋詳細一點 拜託 我文法很糟!!


說明:(...)內的文字主要是中譯,而[...]是已經改錯的選項 20.According to the college&何嘉仁兒童美語#039;s rules, instructors can, but do not have [to], fail student for poor classroom attendance. (根據大學的校規規定,教授能夠因為學生缺課而當到學生,但並非必要。) 析:根據句意,指的是教授不一定要將學生當掉,因此but後面是指必須 ,而必須是have to。 21.With their adult children [leaving] home, David and Susan decided to sell their house, although they really liked it. (大衛和蘇珊,在他們的孩子成人離開家後,決定賣掉房子,即便他 們真的很喜歡這幢房子。) 析: with + O.(受詞) + OC.(受詞補語) ,而補語的部分,因為孩子是人 ,離開家裡是主動的,所以動詞變化是現在分詞(V-ing)。 (通常主動用Ving,被動用p.p.) 22.Jeff had always been thinking he [would have become] a doctor, but his parents wanted him to study law instead of medicine. (傑夫過去認為他會成為一位醫生,但那時,他的父母要求他去讀 法律而不是醫學。) 析:因為是跟事實相反→假設語氣。過去的假設語氣助動詞後面要 加 have + pp.。 23.We [ have been waiting ] in this line for over an hour, at this rate, there won't be any more tickets by the time we get to the window. (我們已經在隊伍中排了一個多小時,照這個速度,等到我們排到購票 窗時早就沒票了。) 析:通常 for+一段時間 時態通常使用完成式,[ have+p.p. ] 加上強調現在 的現在進行式 [ be+Ving ],然後就變成 [ have been + Ving ] 24.The first Winter Olympic Games [was held] in 1924 in Chamonix, France, and consisted of 16 events that depended on the winter weather. (第一個冬季奧運於1924年時在法國Chamonix舉辦,並且有著16種配合 冬天天氣的比賽項目。) 析:奧運當然是被人舉辦,因此用被動式 [ be+p.p. ] 25.Because of protective laws and captive breeding efforts in both the United States and China, the number of cranes is slowly but steadily increasing. (由於美國和中國的保護法令及控制生育的努力,鵲鳥的數量正緩慢但 穩定的增加。) 析:the number of N 指的是它的數目,而數目(就是數字拉)屬於單數,理當 使用單數動詞,因此應該成is。 比較:a great number of N →大量 例:A great number of people emmigrate to America. (很多人移民到美國。) the number of N → ...的數量 例:The number of people in this country is aobut twenty-three million. (這個國家的人口數大約有兩千三百萬。)





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